The Skull

Compete with your inner beast

The skull is not meant to be offensive, evil, or represent death. The skull represents our inner competitiveness, the beast within us when we compete. It is also not meant to promote bad sportsmanship. On the outside we look like oursevles, poised and under control, respecting our opponents and our officials.

Our pois is the external appearance that we do not get rattled, that we accept the outcome whether we are happy with it or not. THe skull, our inner beast or competitiveness, is enraged and eager to become challenged or begin working hard to correct a problem. We want another opportunity to correct our mistake whether it be an error, walking a batter, or a bad at bat. We don't suddenly play scared because the inner beast won't let us.

We play without fear of failure. We cannot fear striking out, making an error, waking a batter, giving up a hit or a run because we know these things are inevitable and part of the game.

Do not reveal the ugliness of your inner competitiveness on the field by throwing gloves, swearing, arguing with umpires, or blaming teammates for errors. Remember, on the outside we are poised and calm. On the inside we are craving the opportunity to make a great play, to have a ball hit to us, get an at bat in a key situation, score first, or put the game away. On the inside we resemble the skull. Great plays do not happen on their own.

The skull represents something positive, something that should be inside every one of us that looks to compete, succeed or get ahead.

Play as if the other team has the same inner competitiveness.

Whose is stronger?